Saturday, May 09, 2015

Are We Just a Paper Tiger?

I'm in a real quandary.  I just can't get my head wrapped around this.

Now, here is the United States of America.  Supposedly the most powerful and most influencial nation in the world, and some upstart terrorist organization called ISIS is expanding exponentially running circles around us making us look like fools.  They laugh at us.  They call our bluff at every turn of the hat.  They're way ahead of us by using social media to recruit and expand.  And, what do we do?  Pontificate.  Rules?  They have no rules.  What do we have?  Political correctness and feckless and irrelevant policies.

How does something like this happen?  Where is our leadership?  Isn't there anyone out there, besides Pamela Geller, with the intestinal fortitude to aggressively oppose these ISIS terrorists and put them out of business?  Or, are we just a paper tiger?


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