Tuesday, May 05, 2015

Rules of Engagement

Its ridiculous the way armchair pundits on television and Pentagon lawyers that have never  faced an opponent intent on doing them bodily harm espouse politically correct rules of engagement for those that do.  The enemy our soldiers face in a combat situation have no rules of engagement.  The crooks our police engage daily have no rules for engagement.  Its like a football game where one team plays by the rules and the other doesn't.  I can tell you from personal experience it is a hazardous game when one side goes by the rules and the other side has no rules except to do bodily harm.

The police deal with the scum bags of society on a daily basis.  It is almost impossible to handle someone with white kid gloves that exploits any opportunity to do harm to the cops.  They will pull a knife.  They will take the cop's firearm if possible.  They will resist.  They will spit, kick, bite, slug or whatever.  They will force the police to manhandle them just to get them cuffed and put in the patrol car or paddy wagon.  They will do almost anything to make it appear they were mishandled or seriously injured at the hands of the police so they can launch a lawsuit to collect big buck$.  I suspect that is what Freddie Gray was doing when he carried it a little too far.

I remember an instance years ago where a college professor of criminology taught that the police should be more compassionate toward those they had to deal with.  A seasoned police officer that took his course arranged for him to go through the rookie police academy and work part time as a cop.  The first call on his first night as a rookie was to a domestic disturbance.  The senior office told the rookie professor they made frequent calls to that particular address and he would handle the situation.  The senior cop knocked loudly on the door and shouted "police" then stepped aside.  The man of the house charged out the door like an enraged bull and the senior officer tripped him, jumped on him, cuffed him, dragged him to the patrol car, and threw him into the back seat.   The professor rookie cop was abhorred at the treatment of the guy.  He leaned in to the back door of the patrol car to show some consideration and to ask a few questions.  The guy soundly kicked him in the groin.  The professor rookie cop immediately changed his attitude.


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