Sunday, May 03, 2015

Education and training . . . or Jobs?

Lets see now.  For over six years we've had a black president and a black attorney general.  We have lots of black people serving in various high government offices at all levels.  We have a number of large cities with black mayors.  There is a disproportionate number of black police officers in many police departments.  A number of black sheriffs and chiefs of police head these departments.

So, whats the problem?  Why is there so much strife in the black communities?

The constant lament of the "know-it-alls" on television is we need more education and more job training for the deprived young black men.  Fine.  First, its imperative that these individuals want to be educated.  The old saw that you can lead a horse to water, but you can't make him drink is never more true.  So, we educate them.  Then what?  Well, the pundits say we have to have job training for them.  Okay.  We spend mega buck$ on job training.  So, what is the end results?  No jobs.  All the education and all the job training in the world is for naught if there are no jobs to be had.

Maybe its time for a change in our approach to the problem.  Perhaps there should be more emphasis and allocation of taxpayers' money toward proven economic principles that spur the economy and thus create jobs.  Once there is a demand for jobs potential employers will train those willing to work.  The operative word here being "willing."  Since LBJ's Great Society of welfare from the cradle to the grave we've spent trillion$ and the level of poverty is the same today as it was in 1968.  If anything we have more strife in the black communities.


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