Friday, August 01, 2014


Are things going to hell in a hand basket, or does it just seem that way?  Is there too much information?  Is the federal government really out of control?  Or, has it always been that way?

I'm old enough to have a long term perspective.  Years ago our sources of information were the local newspaper, a couple of national magazines, newsreels at the local theater, and the three major networks on the radio.  Politics were mostly local except in presidential election years.  Up until about 1960 the two major political parties had there differences, but usually found ways to reach agreement.

Today, information abounds everywhere.  We have the Internet, social media, talk radio, multiple television outlets, etc.  Some is believable, some is questionable, and some is unbelievable.  We have information overload.  The two major political parties are so polarized we mostly have stalemate, finger pointing and name calling with very little truthful information.

So, where does this leave the ordinary citizen?  It can be answered in one word:  Bewildered.  When the populace is bewildered how can we hold government accountable for anything?  Thus, government runs amuck with little or no accountability for lies, illegal gun running, murdered ambassadors, lost emails, crashed computers, feckless foreign policy, and mass invasion by illegal alien children.

Our fervent hope is the pendulum will swing and bring some semblance of order and harmony out of the chaos.


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