Sunday, November 18, 2012

Twinkies, the Rock Island Railroad and Unions

Hoard your Twinkies.  They soon will be no more.  Why?  Unions.

The unions won a big victory, Hostess Bakeries went under and took 18,000 jobs with it.  But, the Unions proclaim victory.  Victory?  Victory for what?  The members have no jobs in a tight labor market.  This adds to unemployment  and increases the number of people getting food stamps.

A number of years ago I worked for the Rock Island Railroad.  I was a new employee and the union guys came around to sign me up as a member.  They were very nice, but I declined.  They came around several more times over the next several days.  Each time they were more emphatic, and the final time they were down right nasty making all kinds of threats.  I got the message and joined.

I decided railroading was not for me and I went on to other things.  A scant few years later the union struck the Rock Island Railroad during the wheat harvest season.  That was when the Rock Island made the most revenue for the year, hauling wheat from the Wheat Belt to markets.  Wheat piled up in the streets of small towns all over Oklahoma, Kansas and Nebraska because there was no way to move it to market.  The railroad had contracts to haul wheat they could not perform.  Lawsuit after lawsuit ensued and the Rock Island went into bankruptcy and ultimately out of business.  The union proclaimed victory.  They had defeated the railroad.  But, for what?  About 15,000 people lost their jobs

I have a hard time understanding "victory" when your members no longer have jobs.  Its only the union bosses that are victorious.  They keep their jobs.  It matters not whether its Twinkies or railroads, whats important is jobs.  Jobs are the instrument of prosperity.  No Jobs. . . . no prosperity.

If you want more in depth commentary go to:


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