Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Its Commerce, Baby

All this railing and gnashing of teeth about women's contraception, abortion,  food stamps, illegal immigrants, green energy, gay rights, reproductive rights, same sex marriage, separation of state and church, etc., etc. is all for naught in the grand scheme of things.

What is important is COMMERCE!  Without commerce there is no business.  Without business there is no prosperity.  Without prosperity there are no jobs.  Without jobs there are no taxes.  Without taxes there is no government.  With no government there is anarchy.

Get smart, folks.  Stop worrying about all the social issues.  Get off the dime and worry about the economy.  Its the economy that fosters commerce.  Our government must do that which creates and stimulates commerce, else its all for naught.  We must get the message to all, especially our political leaders (Democrat and Republican), to put all that other stuff aside and concentrate on efforts that stimulate growth of commerce.  Then we can address those other issues.

Bill Clinton ran for president on the slogan "Its the economy, stupid."  I propose a new slogan for the years ahead, "Its commerce, baby!"


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