Tuesday, November 06, 2012

Election 2012 - Obama wins re-election

INCREDIBLE!  Tonight Obama was re-elected President of the United States of America.

I have great difficulty getting it around my brain that an incumbent president can win re-election with unemployment at 7.9 per cent, a deficit at $4 trillion, a debt of $16 trillion, no budget for three years, spending out of sight, tax the so-called rich (anyone making more than $250,000), exsiccate capitalism (the engine of job creation and prosperity), squander tons of money on trivial profligate green energy endeavors, impair oil exploration and coal mining, whispering to the Russians, "I'll have more flexibility after the elections", blaming a stupid U-tube video for a terrorist attack in Libya killing an American ambassador and three other Americans, etc., etc.

I think as a nation we have turned the corner where the "gimmes" outnumber the  productive doers that give.  A majority does not in the words of Jack Kennedy ask, "What can I do for my country?", rather they ask, "What can my country do for me?"  They want a socialist government like in Europe.  The problem with socialism in the words of Margaret Thatcher is, "You soon run out of other peoples' money".

Rugged American individualism is dying a slow death.  No one today on the American political scene has the guts to stand up and fight tooth 'n nail against progressive liberalism.  The Republican Party in the last two presidential elections just sank into the cesspool of moderation with two weak "goody two-shoes" candidates neither of which had the fire in the belly to take on the liberals (including the main stream liberal media) like a junkyard pit bull dog.

We desperately need another George Washington.  Liberty is not free.


Anonymous Ewa said...

God save America!

2:52 AM  

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