Thursday, May 21, 2015

Civil Service?

What ever happened to the concept of civil service by federal employees?

It used to be, many years ago, that federal workers were called "civil servants."  Only the elite of society had the intelligence and acumen to become a civil servant.  They had to take and pass a rigorous test.  They were highly respected not only for their intelligence, but their willingness to be servants that served the better good.

I recall that in the small town near where my family lived a young lady who recently graduated from high school went to the state capitol and took the "Civil Service Exam" and passed making her eligible for employment by the federal government.  Everyone was surprised and proud one of their own had achieved such excellence.  The local weekly newspaper even ran a full length story on her and her achievement.  It was not only a proud moment, but one of honor for the entire community.

Today we have federal workers and federal workers' unions.  Once hired by the federal government it is almost impossible to terminate a person for any reason.  Once on the federal payroll a person is 99.9% assured of not only permanent life-time employment, but also automatic pay raises, promotions based on tenure, and benefits such as vacations, sick leave, medical,  retirement, etc. including mandatory attendance at numerous lavish conferences, seminars, etc. that are more like parties, all on the government dole paid for by the taxpayers.  Federal government jobs today have become political and not based on performance.  The path to the top is paved with political instinct and the appropriate political alignment and is fraught with "brown noses."

Its time for a reformation.  Will it happen?  Not likely.  Federal workers are the single largest segment in our society, and they vote. . . . their pocket books.


Anonymous Ewa said...

It looks like socialism is very well rooted in the US.

1:58 PM  

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