Sunday, July 10, 2011

Guns, Piracy and Insanity

The insanity of Obama and Holder, his attorney general, never ceases to amaze while at the same time is distressing.

They "walk" guns into Mexico to give to the drug cartels to kill Mexicans, and an occasional American. Why? A 10-year old knows better. I suspect it probably had something to do with creating a "crisis" about gun-running across the border to Mexico so to justify the enactment of more restrictive controls on private gun ownership in the United States.

A Somali pirate, Warsome, was captured on the high seas by an American Navy ship, detained, questioned, and brought to New York City to be tried in a civilian court with all the civil rights of an American. Its beyond stupidity. Its insanity. This guy never before set foot on American soil. By what right is he entitled to the same rights as an American citizen? What ever happened to the traditional and proper way to dispose of pirates captured on the high seas--hang them from yardarm?


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