Saturday, February 27, 2010

Obamacare Ver. 3.01

My wife and I watched the Obama health care bipartisan (?) meeting at Blair House the other day. It accomplished nothing of substance as far as we could determine. It was more of a photo op (national TV exposure) for Obama. He loves to be on TV. It came off more like a college professor lecturing his students whom he allowed to recite so long as they were mostly in agreement with him. Its noteworthy that he allowed the Democrats 2:1 more speaking time than Republicans. I think it was Sarah Palin that said more was accomplished at the "beer summit on the White House lawn" than at Blair House. Democrats and Obama have spent most of 2009 pushing their ill-fated healthcare legislation for the rest of us. They should be spending more positive time and effort on the jobs situation. My nephew in New Mexico that is a horse trainer said it best on his facebook post. He said, "My horses and dogs understand Whoa. What is it Obama doesn't understand about No?"


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