Sunday, February 21, 2010

Root Canal

You may find it difficult to believe, but I'm actually looking forward to my appointment next Tuesday with the dentist to get a root canal done and a crown on molar #30. This thing has been driving me nuts for over a month now. I cannot lay down flat without developing a high-level tooth and ear ache in my right jaw within a few minutes. This makes it almost impossible to lay down and go to sleep. When I do go to sleep I'm awake in a few minutes with the ache. I try to sleep sitting propped up with several pillows. It helps a little, but when I do get to sleep I'm awake within half an hour or so with the ache. I get up and walk around a few minutes and the ache subsides to a tolerable level, but returns within five to ten minutes after getting back in bed. I've tried sleeping in my recliner and on the sofa to no avail. I desperately need a good night of sleep. I'm irritable and cranky. Thankfully, my wife so far has been understanding and sympathetic, but I don't know how much longer she can put up with this nonsense. It's driving me crazy and she may not be too far behind. So, I'm looking forward to getting that root canal done!


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