Monday, November 30, 2009

Coddling Criminals

We coddle criminals. We release them from prison on the slightest of evidence. Then they go out and commit more horrendous crimes like the recent execution-style murder of four police officers in Lakewood, Washington. They are a drag on society in terms of lives taken and the cost to catch, arrest, prosecute, and incarcerate them. Yet, we find it perfectly acceptable to kill innocent unborn babies . There is also much talk about Obamacare and euthanasia of the elderly, i.e. pull the plug on grandma because the elderly are no longer productive members of society. It costs too much to feed, medicate, and care for them.

So, if being a productive member of society is the criteria for life why is it criminals are coddled with more rights than their victims? Criminals as a group are the most costly non-productive members of society. So, why isn't it the other way around? Kill the criminals. Let the babies and us old folks live.


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