Wednesday, May 07, 2008

Three Simple Solutions to the Oil Crisis

There are three simple solutions to the oil crisis. They are: 1) Drill, 2) Drill, and 3) Drill. All it takes is the political intestinal fortitude to tell the loony environmentalists to "take a hike" to implement. Drill in ANWAR. No one lives there. Drill offshore in the Gulf of Mexico. No one lives there. Drill offshore to California. No one lives there. Drill offshore to Florida. No one lives there. Yet, we collectively let a few loud-mouth vocal environmentalists dictate that we not drill anywhere. We have the technology to drill in deep water (5,000 feet). We have the technology to diagonal drill. We have the technology to horizontal drill. We have the technology to drill in the Arctic. We have the technology to drill in the deepest of jungles. What stops us? The drillers can't get the necessary government permits. So the Chinese drill offshore Cuba within sight of Key West Florida. The Brazilians drill in deep water off the Atlantic Shelf and discover a huge oil deposit. The Russians actively drill in the northern tundra of Siberia. Where do we drill. No where. Are we crazy or what?

We continue to import oil from the likes of the "nut-cake" in Venezuela where gasoline is less than a dollar a gallon. We continue to import oil from the Middle East where they not only have cheap gasoline, but use the huge profits to build an interior snow ski-slope in the middle of the desert. Gasoline in Iraq costs $1.32 a gallon where it is subsidized by who? Us. Are we crazy or what?

A barrel (42-gallons) of oil today closed at $124. Don't look for the price of gasoline to come down anytime soon. We have to hammer our political representatives to get them to listen to us and not them, the environmentalists. Even then if changes could be made today it will be five years before the increased production will be felt at the gas pump. Also, look at the huge royalty payments our government could reap from off shore and ANWAR oil production. Are we crazy or what?

The long, long term solution is HYDROGEN. Water is H2O. Mostly hydrogen. It is a simple process (electrolysis) to convert water to hydrogen. I did it in my high school chemistry class. Only problem is it takes more power (energy) to make it than it generates. Not economical. The by-product of burning hydrogen is water. No pollution. Someone somehow (maybe our government on the order of a NASA program) needs to be working on how to make it economically feasible. There is an abundance of sea water on planet earth. Are we crazy or what?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Fred and I think they need to put commuter trains for Houston workers especially down I-10; instead they are building 20 lanes for traffic. I say we must be crazy to put up with this nonsense.

6:31 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

There is no mechanism for making grotesque profits from hydrogen. It will never happen.

9:01 PM  

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