Wednesday, April 22, 2020

I think this entire coronavirus shut down is contrived. Something nefarious here smells fishy.  I think Trump let himself be sucked in by egg-head crystal ball gazing liberal “experts”.  I’m 92 years old.  I’ve seen our country go through several national emergencies.  Never have I seen the entire country shut down for any reason.  Many had polio and died or were crippled.  Many had polio and survived.  The country lived through it without a shutdown.
It originally was called infantile paralysis because we didn’t  know what it was. That was because they (the experts of the day) didn’t know either and called it infantile to gain greater popular support for fund raising.
Infantile paralysis knew no bounds.  Children and adults alike suffered. President Roosevelt had it in 1921 after he was an adult. He survived, but was crippled. I had it when I was 14 (1942). I survived it, and later served in the military. (The upside is I haven’t had a headache since.)  My wife and I had a good friend that had infantile paralysis after adulthood.  She survived without much change in her life.  Many others were not so fortunate.
In 1953 Jonas Salk isolated the polio virus to develop a vaccine. It was stamped out by 1968.  Not once did the country shut down. It would be interesting to know how many people actually died from polio.
I think the problem we have today is all these weak-kneed, brain-dead, loud-mouth liberals spewing nonsense into the heads of the younger generations. Now we have “snow flakes” that melt at the least provocation.


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