Friday, April 17, 2020

China is not our friend.  They have the long-term goal to replace us as the world's number one premier nation.  Far too long (ever since Nixon) subsequent administrations have conceded  many powers (WTO, WHO, etc.)  to China in the expectation democracy would flourish and China would become one of the friendly adversaries on the world's political and economic scene.  Wrong. If nothing else Trump has caused China to expose what they actually are, a powerful communist dictator nation.  True to form they let little stand in their way.  They lie, cheat and steal. They manipulate the value of their currency to gain privileged exchange rates.  For years we encouraged them to embed students and professors in our academia. They invest heavily in some of our major industries.  They pay big bucks to lobbyists.  They contribute large sums to campaigns of influential politicians. They pay large sums out to certain of our high political leaders by covert means. This is all to place Chinese "agents" in every aspect of our society to influence favorable treatment thus be in positions to steal company trade secrets, patents, copyrights, cyber technology, intellectual property, etc.  They're in academia to influence the thinking of students all the while they lie, cheat and steal. The Wuhan Chinese virus pandemic is the most recent illustration of how they behave toward the rest of the world.
Whatever, if we are to survive as the America we've all come to know we better treat China as a hostile adversary. Regan brought about the demise of the powerful Soviet Union. Can Trump do the same to China?


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