Thursday, February 13, 2020

This afternoon I began to look about doing my 2019 taxes. Couldn’t find the Social Security 1099. Looked everywhere I could think it may be. Nothing. Called the Social Security Help Line. Had to deal with an entire series of unrelated questions from some dumb machine with the brain of a gnat. Finally, got to the right place. The same dumb speaking machine informed me the wait time was 26 minutes. All the while it played some ear numbing music that from time to time was interrupted to apologize for the long wait.  I worked on the computer as I waited.  I waited 48 minutes before I got to speak with a real live talking human being. Took no more than three minutes to verify my identity and make the request for a duplicate 1099. The guy was very nice and effectively took care of things. The long wait was somewhat vexing. 


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