Thursday, February 13, 2020


Tug, Pug and Me . . . and don't forget Patsye Sue debuted last November 29th and was available on Amazon after December 2019.  It's a great book of 721 pages for easy and relaxing reading about friends growing up in the Great Depression in the 1930's, going to war in the 1940's, and their  aftermath life experiences. Below is the Prologue from the book to give an insightful glimpse of the character of the book.  For more information visit my website at:
Thank you and happy reading. ~ Don
 Two years before my dear wife died I asked her what I should do with all the stories, family history, letters, diaries, genealogy, etc., I had collected over the many years.  True to her tradition she had a simple answer, “Silly boy, write a book.”  As I often was wont to do, I paid little heed to her suggestion.
When she suddenly died I was so distraught the next several months I was not fully functional.  Sixty-five years of wonderful marriage and those delightful childhood years together were not easily given up.  A year later and I began to gather my wits and try to resume a somewhat normal life.  
For the first time I read the diary she kept all through our childhood years until I went into the navy.  I then began to think about her suggestion.  Why not?  So I undertook this task to share our ancestry, life stories and many experiences that shaped our destinies as members of the Greatest Generation. 
There is more truth than fiction in these accounts of our lives.  It’s my best recollection of events as they occurred and as some were told to me.  I purposefully made some changes to keep an element of anonymity.  Names of people and places are somewhat changed.  My dearly departed father once said, “A story ain‘t worth telling if it ain’t worth  embellishing.”  I’ve tried to keep embellishment to a minimum though some has covertly crept in.


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