Tuesday, September 03, 2013

Sarin Retaliation

I hope I'm wrong, but I think the next Islamic jihadist attack on the United States will be a sarin gas attack.  It could be in the New York City subway system, a large enclosed sporting venue, or something of a like nature.  It will be a so-called retaliation to our attack on any of the several Islamic states in the Middle East.

We, as a society, tend to react to what has happened and not anticipate what may happen much like after the attack on the Twin Towers when we beefed up our airport security to ridiculous levels.  We tend to hope for the best and not plan for the worst.

A sarin attack would be a worst case scenario.  Somewhere some how an aerosol canister of sarin gas will be smuggled into the United States. . . perhaps over the Southern Border.  It will be placed very near a huge ventilation air return and triggered by a timer device.  The air ventilation system will disperse the sarin gas throughout the venue causing wide spread casualties and chaos.

Again, I hope I'm wrong, but I truly think we should be planning in anticipation of such an event.


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