Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Would you rather?

Would you rather go moose hunting in Alaska with Sarah, or antique hunting at Haight-Asbury in San Francisco with Nancy?
Would you rather go fishing on the Salmon River in Alaska with Sarah, or watch tuna processed in the plant owned by Nancy's husband in American Samoa?
Would you rather go snow mobiling in Alaska with Sarah, or ride on the cable-car trolleys in San Francisco with Nancy?
Would you rather go snow skiing in Alaska with Sarah, or go skinny dippin' in The Bay with Nancy?
Would you rather shoot hoops with Sarah, or flip tiddley-winks with Nancy?
Would you rather have Sarah as your seat companion on a long bus trip, or have Nancy?
Would you rather have Sarah running a local charity fund raising event, or have Nancy running it?
Would you rather just hang out with Sarah, or hang out with Nancy?
Would you rather look at Sarah, or look at Nancy?
Would you rather trust your life with Sarah, or trust it with Nancy?
Would you rather have Sarah running the country, or have Nancy running it?
Would you rather vote for Sarah, or vote for Nancy?

If you answered "Sarah" to all questions then you are one smart person. If you answered "Nancy" to any. . . . . . .well, we just feel sorry for you.


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