Sunday, June 14, 2009


Obama is busily instigating all kinds of reform.  Here are a few reforms I would like to see:

*  Anyone filing to run for President of the United States of America should be required to present and make public a legal birth certificate to establish his/her natural born status as required by the Constitution.
•  Presidents should not be allowed to appoint czars to oversee any segment of the private free enterprise system or educational institutions.
•  Presidential executive orders, except in cases of extreme national security threat, should not become effective for 30 days after issuance, and must be ratified by Congress within 60 days else they become null and void.  Effective executive orders can be nullified any time by a majority vote of Congress. 
•  Term limits.  We have term limits for the Presidency so why not for Congress and the Supreme Court?  Eight years is enough for Congress and twelve years for the Supreme Court.
•  Pay limits for Congress.  Their annual pay and perks for each Congressional term should be reduced by a  percentage that the national budget deficit is of the gross national product.  If the budget deficit is 10% of the gross national product, then their pay for that term should be reduced 10%.
*  Politicians should be made legally accountable for the statements they make during a campaign versus what they actually do once elected.
*  Spouses and children of elected politicians should not be allowed to serve as lobbyists for any purpose, or to serve on the boards of corporations.
*  A photographic ID and proof of eligibility should be required to vote in any election.
*  The Provisional Ballot should be eliminated.  Its insanity.
•  A legal birth certificate or work visa establishing legal residency should be required for employment.
•  Voter registration must be accomplished by the applicant by personal appearance before a legal registrar with proof of citizenship and eligibility.
*  Public money should not be used to fund or help fund community organizing organizations such as ACORN.


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