Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Technological versus Societal Evolution

It's amazing that technology builds on itself and advances exponentially whereas society does not build on itself from one generation to the next and only advances linearly.  In fact, the societal linear chart looks much like a saw blade.  It advances with each generation only to fall back to the baseline with each following generation. We as societies never seem to learn the lessons of our forefathers.  We're doomed to make the same mistakes over and over with each generation.  Too bad we can't advance exponentially like technology does.

Case in point:  The people in control of our United States of America Government are making the same mistakes made by Germany in the 1920's and 1930's.  A charismatic smooth talking man has ascended  to the most powerful position in the land with the full backing of his party members that control all aspects of the government.  He has gained the unconditional allegiance of the national media and the labor unions.  In less than six months in power he gained majority control of major strategic business enterprises such as insurance, financial institutions, and automotive manufacturing while trying to gain control of the nation's health care business.  All the while he and his compatriots have leveraged us into an unsustainable debt, the greatest of all the history of the nation, which will take years to liquidate while children not yet born will bear onerous taxes to repay.  The Chinese, our primary debt holders, are beginning to get nervous.  In addition the Federal Reserve, at the behest of the government, is printing large sums of worthless paper money which is bringing us inflation of unheard proportions .  Notice the price increases in everything lately?

The men of history that have had the greatest impact on the world have been men that gained control over large populations and exploited them for purposes other than the good of mankind.  We appear to be treading the same pathway.  Like Germany earlier in the previous century our population mostly shrugs its collective shoulders and we hear refrains of helplessness and hopelessness.  We had better wake up soon and take positive action to correct the situation, else we'll end in disaster somewhat similar to Germany at the end of World War II.  Can anyone say CHINA?    


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