Tuesday, May 29, 2007


Ever notice how fact sometimes gets in the way of the truth? That which is factual is not necessarily truthful. Case in point of which I have personal knowledge and was recorded in a court of law.

FACT: A man was standing at a fence between the properties of two neighbors. The man was repairing the fence. A man rushed out of the neighbor's house with a shotgun and fired in the direction of the man at the fence hitting him about the head and shoulders with shotgun pellets.

Get the picture? Not nice.

TRUTH: A man was standing at a fence between the properties of two neighbors. The man was repairing the fence. The neighbor's seventeen year old boy had just finished washing his car. A large flock of blackbirds circled over his car leaving deposits. The boy rushed into the house returning with a shotgun. He fired into the air at the birds. Unknowingly he fired in the direction of the man repairing fence about two hundred feet away. The pellets arched high into the air and fell harmlessly striking the man on the head and shoulders.

A different picture? Yes.

Moral: That which is FACT is not necessarily TRUTH. Our courts should be getting at the truth and not facts.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Help please

10:46 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


10:59 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Facts and the Truth really do not make a difference to the legal system. The legal system is made and designed by lawyers for the benefit of lawyers. Lawyers and Judges (who are mostly lawyers) always get paid no matter what the jury finds. The Judge can set the jury verdict aside when ever the judges is so inclined.(of course as in all things money alway helps in the art of persuasion) The courthouse is designed and built as a place of employment for Judges and lawyers. You might say that is where the circus performance is held. May the best "GANDY DANCER"
win. In some cases it's a whole team of "GANDY DANCERS" as we have all seen on the lawyers advertising format, the Television. With enough money the best "GANDY DANCERS" nearly always win. Not the "TRUTH" not the "FACTS" but the "GANDY DANCER" who puts on the best show!

11:20 PM  

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