Tuesday, January 02, 2007

President Ford

I watched a lot of the funeral for former President Ford. All the politicians, Democrat and Republican, and power brokers in Washington praised Ford for being a fine and decent man who led the country through a national crisis bringing us from the brink of disaster to save the nation and that he was the man for the time to bring calm to a troubled people.

What folderol. What hypocrites. I distinctly remember that they all unmercifully vilified Ford portraying him as an inept and stumbling moron.

I'm not saying Ford was not a good and decent man. I'm sure he was. I'm saying the Washington insiders are a den of knaves with few principles and less respect for anything other than their personal agendas and self grandeur.

I would really like to see some major fundamental changes (term limits, etc.) made in Washington starting with the Supreme Court, the Presidency, Congress and ending with that gaggle of lobbyists and influence peddlers that endlessly circle like swarming hungry buzzards.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well said Bro. Washington political agenda has turned into a Multi - Billion Dollar Business with everybody trying to grab a piece of the pie. Washington is trying to soak the people for all the money they can get so that the vultures can get a bigger piece of the bacon. Changes you bet we need changes. Term limits will be a excellent place to start on the state level and gradually move term limits to Washington. Are you ready to start?

1:04 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

now wait a second on the term limits. This creates another problem. "Consultants" and "lobbyist" become the ones with all of the power.....is that what we want. It is certainly what we have going on right now in oklahoma.

What we need is a true govt for the people and by the people.....just like it was intended.

The greatest and most difficult thing is getting there.

What do you change? Who serves? How long do they serve?

Aside: How is it that we limit the President to prevent the possibility of a monarchy but not limit the minions below him.

I like how Australia requires all citizens to vote. The only problem is the people that currently vote are the ones that are educated on all aspects of the election. What happens when the entire country is forced to vote?

Maybe we offer tax credits for voting? New Mexico is now offering a lottery to vote.

The answer is one of many....Once people realize they can get something for free from the gov't that gov't is doomed to fail. Eventually more people are taking out than putting in

We need a revolution.....An unarmed civilized revolution.

I like the idea of people becoming "citizens" and with that "citizenship" comes certain rights and one of those is the right to vote. The way to become a citizen can be several ways....but they all include giving back to the country and gov't. Service in the Military. Service stateside in some sort of organization that resembles the wpa/tva/national guard. Earning an education and giving back to the govt and country through using that education to benefit the nation as a whole. Citizenship would be based on service. Something that used to be engrained into people, now no one cares....why, they dont have to and its free.

Get rid of special interests. Get rid of lobbyist. Get rid of the big business that has become Gov't.

No one gave gov't grants to the mellon's, rockefellers, and kellogs. The entrepenueral spirit still lives within our society but is being squashed by the "welfare" state that we have become.

Gov't subsidies must stop as well. Government is there to provide and protect.....the things that have come about from FDR and LBJ(just like serial killers are known by three names, shitty presidents are known by three initials) are killing our society and the spirit that our founding fathers had.....

Sorry for the ramble and rant....just pissed about the fact that the more things change the more they stay the same. When someone comes up and tries to change it he is treated as an outcast and actively hunted and destroyed in order to not let the secret out....news flash the secret is out! When the people get pissed enough things will change.

12:56 AM  

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