Saturday, November 18, 2006

Who is Nancy Pelosi?

I went shopping today with my wife. We went to Home Depot, Wal-Mart, and HEB Super Market. As my wife dutifully shopped I sauntered about asking total strangers, "Do you know Nancy Pelosi?" to which I mostly got a flat-out "No", and a few blank stares. I did not keep count but asked about twenty people. Not a single one knew who Nancy Pelosi is. I then asked, "Do you know who Britney Spears is?" Every last one of them said, "Yes". A few asked, "Who is Nancy Pelosi?" When I told them she was just elected as the first woman Speaker of the House in Congress they replied, "Oh, okay". So, who is Nancy Pelosi? What does this tell us? Hmmm?


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