Friday, September 15, 2006

Politically Correct War

Political correctness never won a war. I'm greatly concerned that political correct rules of engagement are unnecessarily costing the lives of our brave soldiers in the war against Islamic terrorism. Our political and social leaders are more concerned about the rights of the enemy than they are about the lives of our military people. In WW II we had only one rule of engagement: "Kill the enemy before he kills you." We also had only one strategy which everyone, including our enemies, clearly understood: "Unconditional surrender". Peace is achieved only after victory. A politically correct war is total stupidity. We have to change that if we ever expect to defeat Islamic jihad terrorism.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I agree that political correctness will get more soldiers killed. I just wonder from whom will we get that unconditional surrender in this politically correct war. certainly not the President of Iran, the Taliban seem to be as resistant as fire ants, and Hessbolah isn't tied to any particular piece of real estate. So how do we defeat them?

3:26 PM  
Blogger Donald G Davidson said...

See my post "Fire Ants" dated August 16, last sentence. If we can just find the right "fly" to zap 'em.

11:04 PM  

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