Thursday, September 14, 2006


Three fawns have recently been coming into the yard on the east side of the house. They look to be about three or four months old. They still have their spots. They come into the yard because that is the only place where they can find fresh green grass and water. I put a bucket of water out for them. I wonder if they are all from the same doe. Its not unusual for a doe to have twins, but triplets are a little unusual. I'm concerned the mother doe was hit and killed by a car. About a week ago we saw a dead doe beside the highway about 300 yards from our place. Looked like she had been hit that morning. The fawns are relatively tame. They haven't yet learned to fear man. I can get within about twenty-five yards of them before they get spooked. I snapped three photos of one the other day.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

When my mother had her place in the country we used to see fawns and their mother's. My parents wouldn't allow hunting on their property so they always felt safe.
They are so beautiful to watch. I hope yours will stay for a long time.

8:59 AM  

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