Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Dawg Days of August

The Dawg Days of August are on us. It is so-o-o-o-o HOT and DRY. When the cows go from
one pasture to the other they kick up dust so that it looks like a Texas western movie.
Hauled the yearlings to the auction barn today. Not enough hay to feed them and the cows,
too. When we hung the gate to the hay lot yesterday we hung it to where it binds against the
corral boards and it can't be opened. Some gate if it can't be opened! At least the cows can't
open it either. That's what happens when you work in the hot sun hurrying to finish so you
can get in under the shade. We'll re-hang it tomorrow.


Blogger Ranger said...

At least you don't have to buy a lock to keep the gate closed.

12:10 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey we got a litle rain up here in Oklahoma. Maybe it will drift on down your way.

3:01 PM  

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