Monday, August 14, 2006

Texas Longhorns

Went to the barn this morning. Sometime yesterday afternoon or last night the cows (Texas Longhorns) managed to tear down the wood gate to the hay lot and the hay shed. They had a great time in the hay. Everything was a mess. They were way over in the east pasture, so I undertook to repair the gate. Had to replace three 2x6's and straighten the hinges. By then the cows were back to the barn. Threw out some hay to keep them away. Called my neighbor to come help me hang the gate. Can't blame the cows. They were hungry. The pastures are so dry there is very little there for them to eat. Need a good rain badly. Its mid-August and we don't usually get rain until mid-September or later.


Blogger Bill Crawford said...

Howdy Grand Ranch:

I'm a friend of Greg's. Sounds like those Longhorns can use a bit of Bayou Water. I don't miss the Texas weather but I do miss Texans. God bless you for sharing a bit of real life out on the blogosphere.


9:17 AM  
Blogger Ranger said...

I'm glad that didn't happen while we were over there.

9:46 AM  

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