Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Copperhead Snake

Killed a copperhead snake (about 15 inches long) this morning in the flower bed on the north side of the garage close to the breezeway between the house and garage. I really didn't want to kill it. I would like to have caught it and turned it loose down by the creek (which is dry), but I couldn't take a chance of it biting me. I couldn't leave it that close to the breezway because if my wife saw it she would have a "chissy" fit. It is so dry it came up to the house for moisture where I water in the flower beds. This is the second copperhead I've killed this year. I killed one earlier this Spring down near the barn. I've seen only one other snake this year. It was a little garden snake about 20 inches long. I just let it go. It was non-poisonous.

Oh, and the other day I forgot one of my main Grand Ranch Principles of Physics:

When the septic system fails it is ALWAYS when you have out-of-town visitors.


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