Tuesday, November 05, 2019

   Term limits, an intriguing concept.  But, we already have a form of it.  The president is limited to four years and only two terms.  He can be voted out at the end of his first term.  Our Senators are elected for six year terms.  They can be voted out at the end of their first term.  Our representatives are elected for two year terms. They can be voted out at the end of their first term.
   So, why is it we keep re-electing the same people?  Because collectively we’re too lazy.  We spend precious little time getting to know about our political representatives, or what they stand for.  Many do not even bother to vote.  Many who do vote simply vote for the one whose name they recognize.  Some vote for the lesser of the two evils.  Few actually vote based on some knowledge of the candidates and what they stand for.
   Politics is a rough and tumble blood-sport.  Nothing is coincidental.  Everything is to get elected. Nothing is off limits.  Candidates brand opponents in the most  degrading way often accusing  them of being  the most hideous among us.  As a result few people of sound character and ethics run for public office.  They and their families do not want to be subjected to all the mud slinging. Thus, unsavory characters often run for office.  The allure is strong for power and that translates to money and riches.
   Once elected they become immersed in the culture of the swamp with gross perks and privileges.  It’s the most elite club on the face of the earth.  So, a lot of time and effort is directed toward getting re-elected at the expense of legislative affairs.  And, we, the citizens, aid and abet them by simply not voting or voting for the incumbents because we recognize their names.
   I recall years ago in Texas a guy with the name Jesse James ran for Treasury Secretary.  He was elected.  His name was the most recognizable name on the ballot.  As things developed he was not the most desirable guy for the position.  
   Another time a guy named Yarborough ran for the Texas Supreme Court.  He was elected.  He played on the name of a former popular governor with the same name.  As things developed he was not of the character to serve as a Supreme Court Justice.

    We are stuck with the current form of term limits until enough people decide to do something to vote them out.  Otherwise things will continue as they are.  Not too likely the current occupants will vote themselves out of office by imposing term limits.   


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