Friday, January 15, 2016

Natural Born American

Just what is a natural born American?  There's no doubt when a child is born in the United States of parents both of whom were born in the United States.  But, in today's environment of high mobility of people world wide it becomes questionable in some circumstances.  Its ironic a woman that is a Mexican citizen impregnated by a man that is a Mexican citizen can at the eighth month walk across the Southern Border and give birth a month later in Tucson and the child is a natural born American citizen.  Yet, it becomes questionable when  a woman born in the United States impregnated by a non-citizen man  gives birth on a foreign land and that child is not a natural born citizen.

Perhaps the time has come when a more definitive definition needs to be provided to say what is a natural born citizen.  In the meantime, it will continue to be debated in every presidential election.


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