Friday, December 18, 2015

Trump's Appeal

Political pundits, main stream media and Washington insiders all publicly express their lack of understanding Trump's popular appeal.  What they don't or rather can't understand is there is a systemic displeasure across all demographics for the ruling class of Democrats and Republicans. They are incestuous and afflicted with what is popularly known in the hinterland as Potomac Fever.  They are mostly interested in their own power games and the rest of us be damned.  There is not a dime 's worth of difference between the two major political parties, the Democrats and the Republicans.  This gives rise to the potential for the instigation of a third political party, the American Party, with Trump as its leader.  Thus, Trumps's appeal.  The only problem is a third party run by Trump would elect Hillary.  Remember Ross Perot?  Thus, the strategy is to infect the Republican Party with Trump to remake the party and dump the RINOs like McConnell, Ryan, et al.


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