Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Compassion is not the Solution

President Obama, Democrats, the national media, and various liberal talking-heads on TV espouse the virtues of compassion as the solution to the so-called Syrian refugee problem.  That it is in our national interest to be compassionate and show Muslims and the rest of the world that we are true to our values of kindness, thoughtfulness and compassion.  That we view compassion as a virtue to be showered on the less fortunate.

I can tell you from personal experience working for an American oil company in the Middle East that a tenet of Islam is to view compassion as a weakness to be exploited, and exploit it they do.  I don't believe for a New York minute that Obama is compassionate for the Muslims he wants to settle in this country.  He and his Democrat colleagues see them as future Democrat votes.  Period.

This infusion of a dominate culture contrary to our way of life must be stopped if we are to survive.  Recent events in France are proof enough that we must tread these waters with great care.

Compassion is not the solution.


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