Wednesday, October 08, 2014

The Media finally recognizes what Obama really is

It's amazing that only now the power elites in the national media are coming to understand what Obama really is.  It is only after the likes of Leon Panetta and Jimmy Carter outed Obama that they finally began to recognize that he was only an empty suit, blank canvas, empty cup, all hat, however you want to characterize him; whereas, all of us, the great unwashed in the hinterland, knew what Obama was from the gitgo.

Is it that the great media moguls so invested their dreams of what they wanted Obama, the first historic black president, to be that they were blinded by their own myopic glitter from the reality of what he really is. . . . a narcissistic person void of leadership skills that loves the sound of his own voice and wallows in the adulation of his bevy of admirers?

Not the qualities of a great president; not even the qualities of a mediocre president.


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