Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Kids and Taxes

Kids should have to work.
I had my first hourly wage job at age 14 making 40 cents an hour, the minimum wage, as a baggage checker and handler at the Union Bus Station in Oklahoma City.  I got a real eye-opener when I received my first paycheck.  Good grief!  I didn't get the full amount for the hours I worked.  I couldn't believe it.  Why was some of my money taken out?  It was my first dose of real-life reality. . . . its not my money.  Its the government's money and they take their cut first and let me have the rest.  It was then I learned a hard lesson about government and taxes.
So, I say kids should have to work early in life and learn that the government hovers over every hour they work to take some of it.  If young people learn early enough in life they have "skin in the game" (pay taxes) it will greatly influence how they vote in the future.

BO must GO


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