Thursday, June 28, 2012

Memory and Imagination

I've reached that time in life where my memory and my imagination get confused with each other.
As my wife and I returned from my 65th Class Reunion in Oklahoma we stopped by for a brief visit with one of my favorite Oklahoma cousins.  As we were departing to return home to Texas she and I were reminiscing about something that occurred when she was a babe in arms and I was a 15 year old kid.  I contradicted what she said and she accepted my account because she was much to young to remember it except what others had told her.
As we traveled the next several hours my memory kept nagging my imagination.  The more memory nagged imagination the more I came to believe I was wrong.  By the time we arrived home late that evening memory won out over imagination. My cousin was right.  I was wrong.  So, I promptly called her and apologized for lack of memory and excess of imagination.
Darn, its tough getting old.


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