Monday, May 14, 2012

Executive Order issued by Obama

This was taken from "The Patriot", May 13, 2012:

Premier Obama has signed yet another executive order, this one is Identifying and Reducing Regulatory Burdens, that when coupled with his Executive Order Promoting International Regulatory Cooperation and Executive Order Establishing a White House Council on Strong Cities, Strong Communities, opens a direct path to bring United Nations regulations to the grass roots of our body politic.

This latest executive order will allow the soviet socialists in our local communities through their committees to adopt and enact United Nations regulations designed to establish absolute United Nations’ control over our every resource.

The laws of the United States, individual states, counties, cities, and local municipalities, under our Constitution must be legislated. These executive orders bypass the legislative process and essentially nullify our representative form of government under the guise of allowing us to voice our opinion in reference to new regulation rather than enforce our will through elected representation.
Executive Orders are the Executive Branch (President) by-passing the Legislative Branch to enact favorable laws the president in most cases knows would not pass muster with the Congress.  The original intent of Executive Orders was to meet critical situations of national security when Congress was not in session.  (Note:  Years ago before air conditioning in Washington, D.C., Congress convened in January and adjourned usually late March or early April before it got so ungodly hot and uncomfortable in Washington, D.C.  Thus, Congress was not in session most of the year, which is by all counts a good thing.)  However, Obama has used Executive Orders as a tool to enact his agenda and has issued more than all the other residents combined beginning with President George Washington who issued a total of two Executive Orders during his tenure.
The time has arrived for us, the masses, to find a permanent way to reign in the power of the Executive Branch (president) to randomly issue Executive Orders by making them subject to review and approval by the Legislative Branch within a certain time frame after issuance.  The Constitution provides for checks and balances to keep one branch from becoming more powerful than any other branch. These checks and balances must be instituted to keep Executive Orders from becoming dictatorial.

BO must GO


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