Saturday, April 28, 2012

Romney-The Republican Establishment Candidate

I don't particularly like Romney. I think he is a political opportunist poor little rich boy that wants to be president and is using his extreme wealth to buy his way into the presidency.  I think there is something inherently dishonest with that.

Romney is the fair-hair child of the Republican establishment know-it-alls.  I just hope Romney et al can overcome the barrage of negative campaign and election trickery of Obama and his Democrat henchmen.  I'm a little fearful Romney like Dole and McCain doesn't have the pit-bulldog spirit and mentality to attack Obama and his associations with all his former and current Marxists leaning colleagues.

However, that all being said, I WILL VOTE for Romney.  I will vote for a cur dog before I will vote for Obama.

BO must GO


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