Friday, March 23, 2012


Fairness.  We hear a lot about fairness these days, especially from the upper echelons of government.  Seems everything must be fair.  Where do all these so called intellectuals get the notion everything must be fair?   Is it fair one person is short and another tall?  Is it fair one person is good-looking and another is not so good looking?  Is it fair one person is smart and another is not so smart?  Where in the Constitution does it say life must be fair?  Life is not fair.  Never has been.  Never will be.  Deal with it.  It is not humanly possible to make life fair for everyone.  Can you imagine how dull life would be if we were all tall, good looking and smart?  Fairness for all is somewhat like redistribution of wealth.  A socialistic pipe-dream with no real achievable practical application.


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