Sunday, April 08, 2012

Race Relations

In 2008 we elected the first black man to be president.  I thought  surely that was prima facia evidence we as a nation had put aside all our racial prejudices once and for all and could move forward.

Wrong.  I believe this is the most racial president ever.  He sees the world through a white-on-black racial prism.

A "white" Hispanic man shoots and kills a 17-year old black young man in Florida and the main stream media, the president, members of Congress, and the usual racial pimps Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson and Louis Farrakhan go berserk on the TV airways and convict the shooter of murder without a whit of solid evidence.  The Black Panthers even put a bounty on his head and beat the drums to hang him.  None are content to let the criminal system work.

A 78-year old frail white man in East Toledo, Ohio, was set upon and beaten to death by a gang of blacks.  Not a peep from the above mentioned racial and civil rights experts.  A 90-year old white WW II veteran and his 85-year old white wife in Tulsa, Oklahoma, are set upon by a black man.  He is beaten and she is raped to the extent she dies from her injuries.  Not a peep from the above mentioned racial and civil rights experts.

In Chicago a 6-year old Latino girl is killed by a stray bullet fired by a member of a black gang.  The president and the others are conspicuously quite.   In Chicago black young men kill other black young men every day of the week.  The greatest danger to a young black man is not a white man.  It is a black man.  Yet, we hear nothing about this from the so-called self-appointed racial and civil rights experts.

So, this is where we are.  We are more and more polarized as concerns racial relations between whites and blacks.  I would hope for a more fair and balanced approach by the president, et al to find solutions to the racial strife, but I'm not holding my breath.  The president thinks he has more to gain politically, and the likes of Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson, Louis Farrakhan, et al make their lavish lifestyle living from rabble-rousing white-on-black racial strife and conflict.

BO must GO


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