Tuesday, June 05, 2012

Voter Fraud

Today on TV I heard a Democrat election official in Wisconsin say there isn't enough fraudulent voting to matter.  What kind of thinking is that?  One fraudulent vote is too many.  How is it the Democrats can so casually accept the fact there is voter fraud. . . .its just not enough to matter?  I was an election judge for 12 years and my wife was my election clerk.  There was no way we would even think about it much less allow it.  There was on average 720 to 740 registered voters in our precinct.  We knew a lot of them.  We always reviewed our list of registered voters to ID the ones we knew had died or moved, or had some unusual address (like the UPS store front) that was on the list.  When we had someone not on the official list that showed up to vote I told them in no uncertain terms they could vote a provisional ballot, but they would have to sign a sworn affidavit and if the personal information they provided was not true they would be charged with a felony.  That usually took care of the matter.
There's always been voter fraud.  It seems to be an art perfected by the Democrats.  The Holder DOJ is after Florida for purging their registration lists to remove names of those that have died or changed addresses.  The Democrats firmly oppose photo voter ID.  Why?  Its time to firm up the registration lists so only legal voters are on the lists, and photo ID to be sure the voter is who he/she claims to be.  The epitome of how easy it is to vote fraudulently is the YouTube video on the Internet where a guy showed up in Eric Holder's voting precinct and ID'd himself as Eric Holder and the election official offered him a ballot.
The right to vote is a precious right that must be protected. . .not neglected or abused.


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