Tuesday, February 03, 2009

Washington - Cesspool of Incest

Washington is a cesspool of infectious promiscuous incestuous holier than thou elitists of the mind set they are a superior and privileged class.  They are all in bed together begetting more of the same.  They favor one another and skirt the law in whatever manner most suits their desires.  They plot and scheme how to best mislead and fleece the "serfs."  They flagrantly avoid payment of taxes until and when it is politically advantageous to do so. They reveal their true colors only when caught in compromising positions with their pants down yet defend their heinous actions as honorable.  How is it a person in a position of political power can be honorable when he does not pay his just taxes like the rest of us?  They are so firmly entrenched in their seats of power for so long they think they are entitled.  If anything speaks loudly to term limits it is this.  No politician should ever serve more than twelve years in Washington.  Vote accordingly. 


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