Thursday, October 05, 2006

The 80/20 Rule

I've been around nigh on 80 years and I've come to understand "The 80/20 Rule". It applies almost always to any situation involving the actions of people. For instance, in most work environments 20% of the people do 80% of the work. If the work is project oriented 80% of the work is accomplished in the last 20% of the allowed time. In politics 20% of the politicians are honest only 80% of the time. In society 80% of the people are good people while 20% are misfits, derelicts and criminals. Of the 20% about 10% are down right evil. We've recently seen evil in Colorado and Pennsylvania. I have a hard time understanding why the 80% good people can not dispatch the evil 10%. There are far too many bleeding heart liberals that can't tell the difference between good and evil or at least are not willing to accept the fact. They want to protect the"rights" to evil people that wantonly kill innocent children, or Islamic terrorists that kill infidels, especially Americans. Evil is the disgrace of mankind. It must be confronted and relegated to the depths of hell.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I do long for the days of my childhood. Growing up in the late 50's and early 60's who would have though we would have so many crazy people doing such horrible things.

12:35 PM  

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