Monday, September 23, 2019

   The CBS 60 Minute program profiled a young woman that was a rape victim.  I felt sorrowful for her.  But, as the program progressed with facts my sorrow began to wane.  She was a non-student but she went to a frat house party.  She admittedly drank three different kinds of booze and was drunk.  She got on a table and danced.  I can imagine her dancing displayed suggestive pelvic gyrations.  The next thing she remembered was laying on the ground with her clothes disheveled and then being transported to the hospital.   The program also interviewed two young men (non-students)  who happened on the scene of an unconscious woman on the ground with a man on top of her.  He got off and ran.  The two men ran him down and held him until the police arrived.  As the program advanced it turned out she was shamelessly  promoting a book she wrote about the incident.  At this point I had little sympathy.  
    I emphatically do not approve of the young man taking advantage of an unconscious woman, drunk or otherwise.  But, I also emphatically think a young attractive woman should not put herself in a situation where she acts like a whore but wants to be treated like a lady. 


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