Saturday, September 14, 2019

    I took this from another blog:  “If you think an 18 year old is too young to own a rifle, and you think a 16 year old is mature enough to vote; and if you think a 14 year old is old enough to get an abortion without parental consent; and  you think a 3 year old is mature enough to decide its own gender . . . Then you are the problem.”
   The problem as I see it is the lunatics in Congress.  And, why are they there?  Because we put them there.  Why do we put them there?  Because so many people are inept, and they vote. (Why do I know that?  Because I was an election judge for 12 years.)   Why do they vote?  So the government will give them freebies.
   What’s the cure?  A complete cultural shift in our societal mores and attitudes.
   Easier said than done.


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