Friday, December 21, 2012

Blue Funk

I'm caught up in a blue funk.

I just can't get interested in commenting on anything of substance.  All this crazy stuff going on all around and I can't dig down deep and come up with anything of substance to say about it.  I guess I'm just getting to be a cynical old man.  What can be said when it seems we are intent on our own self destruction?  All I see is rapid decline of our societal and cultural mores with no end in sight.  We're on the precipice of a fiscal abyss with little reason to be optimistically hopeful our erstwhile lawmakers have the intestinal fortitude to resolve the problem.  Our president and campaigner-in-chief is mostly MIA when it comes to governance.  His idealogical socialistic agenda has our liberties and freedoms on the cusp of an abyss of destruction.

I feel so funky I think I'll go drink a glass of wine and go to bed.

Good night.


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