Thursday, December 15, 2022

 Senator Hawley and Democrats Immigration Plan

I sent this 12-14-22 to Senator Josh Hawley (R-MO):

I saw you on Laura Ingraham (FoxNews) this evening.  You said the Democrats’ plan for immigration at the border is working.  I would like to add more essentials to the plan.  The Democrats see these people as potential votes.  The Democrats need an underclass to exploit for survival.  In recent times more and more blacks and Hispanics are evolving from the underclass to the middle class creating a void of votes for the Democrats.  These illegal immigrants will fill that void to solidify the Democrats position of strength for years to come.  Joe Biden and the Democrats have their eyes on the 2024 elections.  The Democrats know where many of these people will ultimately go.  (How best to track someone.  Give them an iPhone).  Democrats will make an all out effort to get these people driver licenses thus an address.  Next, get them registered on the rolls.  Then make an all out effort to get them to vote by whatever means needed and get these votes to the polling places during the  period for mail-in voting.  The Democrats will by hook-or -crook use whatever is needed to win elections.  The Democrats fight like junkyard pit bull dogs to win and gain success for their agenda.  The Republicans will have to get down off their high horse and get down and fight the Democrats like a junkyard pit bull dog.  Thanks for the opportunity you gave me to express my opinions.  I'm a 94 year old WW II Veteran. I've seen a lot of change  mostly to the downside.  Today is not the America I served all those years ago.


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