Thursday, September 10, 2020


The United States shouldn’t be enriching “a hostile regime” that is “configuring its military to kill Americans,” China analyst Gordon Yang said. (Source: Washington Guardian by:  Yael Halon).

Configuring their military not only means guns, battleships, and ICBM missiles, but also includes germ warfare.  They have already unleashed a virus to kill Americans and spread fear.  Whether accidental or inadvertent doesn’t matter.  What matters is they intentionally and purposefully undertook actions, not to curb and contain, but to scatter it as far and wide as possible to the outside world to perpetuate as much havoc, economic damage and fear as possible, especially on the United States.

The Democrats and certain “progressive” elements in the United States have been complicit. The Democrats have sized on this as an opportunity to unseat Trump.  Nothing else matters.  The opposition holds forth Taiwan as the prime example of the effort to contain the virus not understanding nor caring to understand that Taiwan had total political unity to address and minimize the problem, whereas we, the United States, are fractured by political ideologies.  It matters not what Trump does, the Democrats oppose him at every turn of the hat.  The lack of a unified approach has reduced us to toilet paper hoarders and timid rabbits hiding behind masks thinking that’ll  keep us safe.

One thing for certain, we as a nation better quit being diverted by all this nasty “progressive” mob mentality stuff and transgender men’s menstrual cycles and get back post-haste to saving our country.  Else we’ll soon all be having to learn to speak Chinese.  


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