Thursday, November 10, 2016

2016 Presidential Election

Its a great day!  Trump is elected, and I hear from a dear friend in Poland.  She gives an European perspective on our election results.

She emailed:  “The best news this morning:  Donald Trump beats Hillary Clinton!  Even if he is not the best Republican candidate being a complete freshman in politics, the perspective of Hillary Clinton’s presidency in my opinion was just like a nightmare, also for the rest of the world.  I wish the US truly shows the world how to handle current issues.  Maybe Trump’s presidency will also change the Republican Party as it was during Ronald Reagan time or what I envisage from the message by Ron Paul, to become more libertarian.  I followed the campaign mostly with the Wall Street journal."

My reply:  "Many of us share your opinion of Hillary and her ilk.  She was not elected because she is a woman (as many would have you believe), but because of her Saul Alinsky leanings and corruption.  The two are like two peas in a pod.  If Trump can do just half of what he promises he’ll be a rousing success though he is a political neophyte.  Our fervent hope is he will surround himself with wise associates and advisers, unlike Obama who surrounds himself with ideologues, aka Valerie Jarrett, et al.  The Wall Street Journal and the Investor’s Business Daily are probably the only two major newspapers with a semblance of impartiality.  All the others are tinted pink.  I seldom read a newspaper anymore.  I mostly watch FoxNews Channel and FoxBusiness Channel for my news.”

Hopefully, its a new day in America if only the Republicans can find their way to accept Trump’s agenda, and the Democrats be damned.  

The fat lady sings:


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