Sunday, October 20, 2013

Republicans Eat Their Young

When I was a youth I belonged to the 4-H Club.  My father gave me a sow hog for my project.  Later she had 14 piglets.  I was greatly pleased, until the next day when I discovered she killed and ate six of them.  My Father helped me muzzle the old sow, throw her on her side and tie her feet.  Now the piglets had full access to a much needed hearty meal.  I had to watch her closely and keep the piglets in a separate pen except at meal times which I supervised.  I ultimately managed to raise a pen of eight shoat pigs which I showed at the county fair.  I didn't win anything, but I learned a lot.

As I watched national politics unfold the past few weeks I came to understand that the Republican establishment is much like that old sow hog. . . they kill and eat their young.  The likes of McCain, McConnell, King, et al rushed every day to the closest microphone with a TV camera to bad mouth and destroy Cruz and Lee and anyone else that came to their defense.  Democrats NEVER attack fellow Democrats whatever the situation.  They delight in joining the Republican chorus using every and all derogatory words and phrases they can muster to further assist the Republicans in destroying their own.

If the Republicans ever want to be significant in national politics, they better start criticizing the Democrats and lay off the young up start Republicans.  Quit fighting the youngsters and TEA Party folks.  Join them and fight the Democrats like junkyard pitbull dogs.  Else Republicans will become piglets and Democrats an old sow hog.  That's not pretty.


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